Well, we are still here in this crazy mixed-up world. Covid is proving to be just like Microsoft software. You either have it, or you know someone that does. In both cases, the version of what people have varies from person to person.

No matter. In the storytelling world, storytellers and storytelling groups have adapted to being physically separated by connecting on the internet more. You don’t have to be a storyteller in the official sense. Anyone can and should take advantage of this and the upcoming lists I plan to post. The idea is to give people a starting point to connect with storytellers and their stories.

The list below varies from ones that just advertise shows, take a deep dive into performing stories, or are just fun places to hear storytelling.

Just to show how many new Facebook groups I have come across, I broke up the list between the ones I knew before the Pandemic and the ones I know now. WOW! Be sure to click the links and check out the “about section” to see which groups are the right ones for you. In case you are wondering, yes, I’m a member of all the listed below. Go find a place to connect to stories on purpose.

Facebook Storytelling Groups I knew about BEFORE the Pandemic

Facebook Storytelling Groups I know about AFTER the Pandemic started

Facebook Storytelling Groups I learned about in 2021

Facebook Storytelling Groups I learned about in 2022

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